Some facts

Functions of progesterone 

  • natural anti-depressant 
  • helps use fat for energy
  • natural diuteric
  • normalizes blood clotting
  • restores libido
  • helps normalize blood sugar levels
  • restores proper cell oxygen levels
  • protects agains breasts fibrocysts
  • helps to protect agains breast cancer
  • helps to protect agains endometrial cancer
  • stimulates osteoblast-mediated bone building 
  • nessessary for survival of embryo and foetus throughout gestation
  • precursor of cortisone synthesis by adrenal cortex
  • maintains secretory endometrium 
  • normalizes zinc and copper levels
  • helps thyroid hormone action
  • precursor of other sex hormones

Bio-identical Progesterone is available mostly as creams and pills. Both are not very effective: most creams are filled with additives that can go rancid and toxic. Orally it will be mostly extreted by the liver, before it can be made available to the body (common doses are therefore high: 200-500 mg).

However when progesterone dissolved in Vit E its absorbsion through the skin or other membranes is aprox. 20 times higher than in other forms. 

Therefore small dosages of 10-20 mg are sufficient (3-6 drops).
Wait 20 minutes before taking more, you can get drouwsy. 

with natural progesterone you naturally balance hormones and protect against the side effects of excess estrogen  

After menopause the production of progesterone basically stops whereas oesterogen still gets produced in other parts of the body.

the amount of progesterone produced daily in a healthy young adult is roughly 30 mg; when pregnant upto 600 mg a day  (gives the pregnancy glow)



Natural Progesterone, John R. Lee (1993)
The Estrogen Alternative, Raquel Martin and Judi Gerstung (1997) 
Progesterone in orthomolecular medicine, Raymond Peat (1993)
Once a Month: Understanding and Treating PMS, Katharina Dalton (1978)
Nutrition for Women, Raymond Peat (1993)